We are Local.
We have been for 10+ years.
We are also current residents of Denton County.
Kenneth Graham Construction isn't chasing storms.
Stop the search for a contractor. We are the one you are looking for. We are here to serve & help from the damages occurred during recent storms. We have been and will continue to provide the best service possible to all our customers. Who else is more qualified to hire than a company that already handles all residential construction from the ground up.
1. Kenneth Graham, LLC carries over $1,000,000 General Liability Insurance.
2. We don't take money up front. Be leery of other "storm chasers" that ask for money before starting.
3. References: We have a list of past clients which we can send out for reference.
4. We communicate and deal with your insurance so you don't have to.
We have been in business since 2007. We deal with all new & old residential properties. Don't let the storm damage put you down. Put us to the test and we are sure you will be satisfied.

Composition Shingle Brands
Texas law requires a person insured under a property insurance policy to pay any deductible applicable to a claim made under the policy. It is a violation of Texas law for a seller of goods or services who reasonably expects to be paid wholly or partly from the proceeds of a property insurance claim to knowingly allow the insured person to fail to pay, or assist the insured person ’s failure to pay, the applicable insurance deductible.